Most surface waters such as lakes and rivers will have distinct characteristics depending on the source of water that feeds them. The watershed or drainage basin surrounding the lake can have a profound impact on the water quality of the lake.
Lakes that are spring-fed have exceptionally high water quality, while lakes that are fed by a watershed – that is overpopulated by beavers, will have water that is of poor quality.
When analyzed for heavy metals from aluminum to zinc, physical factors, volatile organics, herbicides, pesticides, and fungicides, you will find that except for a little turbidity, colour and bacteria, the overall quality of lake water is better than most bottled water.
The system you choose to purify your lake water is dependent on the characteristics of your untreated lake water. Keep in mind that the characteristics of your lake will change throughout the season. In winter, when ice covers your lake, oxygen levels can drop to zero if there is no incoming source, such as a river with rapids or waterfalls to aerate the water. Without oxygen your lake will go into an anaerobic condition. Metals such as iron and manganese will become soluble, while sulphates will give up their oxygen and the water will have the stench of rotten eggs. These problems usually occur only in small, swampy lakes.
The best way to improve your lake water quality on small lakes is to install a Wise Water system that will condition and maintain the water over the winter. Once the water has been unfrozen, the Wise Water system will work to purify it, producing clean, healthy water for any home on the lake.